A consciousness-expanding experience for psychenauts who want to create
a radically-authentic, wild and
soul-filled culture

Special live event guided By Shiri Godasi, M.A.

This group experience will:


  1. Illuminate cultural myths that are swirling in our collective service-oriented psyche
  2. Interrupt ingrained communal narratives and expand the range of possibility in psychedelic-oriented service
  3. Create a shift of awareness/perception/consciousness/mindset in participants
  4. Challenge and reprogram participants’ understanding of their role in the psychedelic revival/age of awakening
  5. Teach participants how exactly we can disrupt our own systems of limiting beliefs and mythos to create social change
  6. Reveal a roadmap to reconnect with our visionary nature, reimagine what is possible for us and redesign our reality.

No-cost registration

Join us live or get the recording

Event Date and Time: 

Thursday, Oct 6th , 2022

10am PST/12pm CST/1pm EST

60 mins

Register here for this no-cost event

A recording will be shared if You can’t attend the live session



Shiri & Team Psyched Soul